Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Checking off my list

This probably looks like a sign you could have found on my closet door. Seriously there were some shirts I had since my senior year in high school and that was so long ago. I finally got to cleaning out my closet and threw out what was in sad shape and donated everything else I didn't need anymore. I've been meaning to do this for awhile now so I'm happy I finally did it. I'm so good at procrastinating sometimes. Now my closet is looking more like these...ok not exactly but it's in the process.

xoxo erica marie


  1. ohhh these closets are so RocK STar-ish! Good job on cleaning out your closet, I did mine recently and it felt great

  2. LOL I love the sign and I so wish I had one of those closets :)
